Sneak Peek – Divine Series – Lathar’s POV

If you loved the Divine Series, you’ll love that book one is being redone from Lathar’s POV. Take a look:

Soul Stealer – Book One of the Divine Series by Lathar.

There could only be a few reasons that Lathar could think of for why a serpent would have their memories wiped so thoroughly. He stared at himself through the dingy warped glass of the public bathroom not recognizing the man standing before him. It was a blessing from the Moon Goddess he even remembered what he was so he didn’t get executed by the council for accidentally killing a human, which would have been a very real and likely scenario for his kind. How he knew that was nothing more than a blurry notion he but accepted as a known truth.
Apparently there was a council, he thought, rubbing his face and tugging at his blond hair. Intrinsically he knew they were a threat to his life, and it was best to remain under the radar. It was entirely possible his lack of memories about his life previous could be traced back to them, if he chose to dig up those threads. Leaving the rotten human waste facility he decided some things were best left alone.
He had to face facts, he was either a criminal punished by the council, a victim of another shifter clan, or he did this to himself. Lathar didn’t feel evil so he dismissed that theory, because he had no desire to murder humans.
The park was scattered with humans enjoying the pleasant weather of the end of summer. Lathar could tell the season by the yellow shade of the leaves, sure, but it was the pooling of the tree’s aura from the branches back down into the roots to store away for preparation of winter that told him the coming of fall. Again, he thought himself a decent enough soul that he had no desire to drain the trees of their life prematurely. He couldn’t be all that bad if he cared about oxygen he didn’t even need should the tree die from his feeding.
Everything in moderation, he mused as he wandered the park drawn by a particularly intoxicating vibration in the air. His hand reached out, and inhaling the energy lingering there he licked his lips in indescribable pleasure. The aura nearly incapacitated his senses to the point where he felt himself draining the grass, as it turned brown and ashen beneath his boots. Whatever the source he wouldn’t risk losing the trail. He steeled himself against the delectable miasma, and closed his eyes feeling his way to wherever it led.
It felt familiar to him, comforting even.
Skin tingled as he resisted taking the aura into himself like a drug.
Lathar gathered the aura around himself, keeping it close by, surrounding himself with it and accumulating more as he walked. What could produce this kind of energy and allow it to float freely about… wasted, he thought?
Sweet, he licked his lips allowing just a taste. His fangs extended, making his gums ache. He tensed his muscles, back taut anticipating some kind of trap. If the council were trying to lure one of his kind to capture this was the perfect way to do it. He couldn’t imagine many serpents could control themselves around such an aura.
Should he consume the energy and defend himself? He ducked off the trail, and sat on a log hidden by bushes. The whole park could be seen from this vantage point, if someone were coming, he’d see it… unless they were already here.
Too distracted with the energy surrounding him, he didn’t notice the wisp of a human that approached. Black hair, no, it was dark brown with hints of red and blonde highlights only seen in the right light of the sun, or by keen eyes such as his, was pulled back into a sloppy heap upon her head. A notepad in her hand, she finally glanced up with green emeralds that narrowed quizzically at him.
A soft voice reached his ears, “You seem down.”
The small thing didn’t realize what he was, a predator, a danger to her kind, and yet… he felt no desire to drain her of her life.

Don’t miss out on more of this reboot, as well as other awesome updates and freebies by joining my newsletter for more Fantasy Adventure Romance. Sign up today to grab a free copy of My Abett, A Sci-fi Fantasy Romance Adventure, and stay up to date when Soul Stealer will be released.

Start reading the Divine Series today on Kindle Unlimited, or listen on Audible

Blood Queen has Arrived!

Blood Queen has arrived, and I am so happy that it’s been well received so far!

I got my first 5 star review from Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews, and Blood Queen made it to the TOP 10 Books for 2021!

And they say series don’t get better with each book! Well, it seems those people were wrong.

I made a few neat little Instagram photos with their reviews. but they aren’t the full wonderful review, so click on the images to be brought to the review site to read the whole thing! While you’re on Reedsy Discovery, feel free to tap that Upvote button to help Blood Queen reach new readers.

I used Canva to make them, but I could probably use a bit more practice with making review images. You’re welcome to copy and use these photos to share with friends, just make sure to credit the wonderful reviewers.
The Completed Divine Series Available on Kindle Unlimited today!

It’s finally here, the series is completed. It’s both a relief and sweet sorrow to let the characters go for now. I’m excited to see the story finished, but I’m also still pretty attached, and sometimes wonder if I should follow the characters around some more. We’ll see, anything is possible.

Blood Crescent book one is released on Audiobook now! And Blood Rebirth is not far behind for Audible. If you’d like to relive the journey through narration you can do that now.

Blood Crescent Audiobook

All of the books are available for print through Amazon, you can click on the book pages for more information, or if you want an autographed copy, you can see the new tab at the top of the website for Signed Books, where you can order directly from me while they are available.

You can read the Divine Series for free on Kindle Unlimited today, or support future books from me by purchasing through Amazon, or directly from me by emailing me stevie.mccoy AT gmail. (listed like this so I don’t get more bot emails). Where I can send you an invoice through Paypal, and send you your eBook through BookFunnel. Thank you so much!

Stay updated on news and updates more regularly, as well as free books, and more through my newsletter so we can keep in touch! Join me today on Mailchimp.

BLOODY Updates what a year!

I know I’m not the only one when I say, “WHEW, what a year!” And Covid has kicked everyone’s butts. Some of those into gear, some on the ground, and others into reflection.

We’ve lost, we’ve grown, and we’ve overcome.

There is yet more still to come of all of that, but I did not waste an ounce of free time, the very little I had to make sure I was write, write, writing. Though, I must admit I was also distracted with homeowner duties, kiddo duties, and some adjustment life pains.

Without further ado, the moment you’ve been waiting for (at least if you’re here then you’ve totally been waiting for this, and I apologize for the wait.)

Blood Queen, the third installment of the Divine Series, has been completed, but still needs revisions.

To confess, the draft has been finished for a while, but I’ve set it aside not completely satisfied with something I believed was missing from the story, but I couldn’t place my finger on just what.

In the meantime I’ve been plugging away at multiple projects, and you’ll be pleasantly rewarded for the wait between publications, because I’ve finished three separate books since then, and they too will be going through editing soon. A fantasy fae lands series, a sci-fi fantasy magical alien parallel world series, and a Greek mythology reimagination untold modern gods and monsters series. I’m debating which one of these series to ship to agents versus which two I’m shipping straight to your eyeballs. Make sure you’re signed up for the newsletter on Mailchimp to keep posted on reveals, snippets and releases.

Back to my confession, Blood Queen, is scheduled to be sent to the Street Team in the next month. They will have one month to read the ARC and give any suggestions, and then… BOOM, quick double check, and then at your fingertips by end of October 2021.

Then a long overdue formatting and setup for the print versions, for all you lovers of the feel of paper and print, and the sweet sound of crisp pages being flipped, and the ever present debate over folded dogear corners, bookmarks, or spine benders. I look forward to seeing the photos of how you enjoy reading your books.

I do have paper books still, but I admit most of my reading is on my phone with a pair of blue-light glasses on. According to my Kindle Statistics, or Reading Insights. I’m at 28 books read in 2021, and a little over half way through the year I’m feeling pretty good about having a healthy balance between writing, life-ing, and reading. Though, I’m sure it might not feel that way with how long I’ve prolonged book three of the Divine Series, but I hope to make it up to you all.

I have some spots open for the Street Team, and if you want to get in on the Blood Queen ARC then be sure to sign up for the newsletter to look out for the opportunity to join while those slots are still open.

Here’s a little teaser of Blood Queen:

Her fingernail lengthened, sharpening to a point before cutting the bandage from my neck.
“You won’t be needing this… for now.” The underlying threat so thick I could choke.
My hand went to my neck, and where it was sore and healing moments before, it was smooth skin. The punctures were gone, healed over, not even a scab in its place.
“You healed me… ” I couldn’t trust her kindness, even if she was helping me now there was something in her eyes that told me none of this was for me. Everything in me said to keep my guard up. “Why are you doing this?”
“Why does anyone do anything?” She lifted a brow, and then broke eye contact with me. All of a sudden I felt like a cast around my muscles had broken. Stiff and in protest I stumbled forward into her ready arms, and back towards that wicked smile.
She was responsible. I didn’t know how, but I knew there was something powerful in her gaze. I quickly averted my eyes. “You’ve already had my blood, if I wanted you to look into my eyes again you would, and happily at that. We can do this the nice way, or I can let Luaswa deal with you himself.” I shivered at the sound of his name, all the way down to my bones chilling. She knew she had me, this place wasn’t like any place I was used to. I needed more information before I could figure out a way to get back on track.
This was only temporary, I’d remind myself.
Then why did I feel a great sense of foreboding…

Chrystal is in a completely new territory, and she isn’t alone. Trapped in the Trial Grounds, she must figure out how to release her mother from the astral plane, find the talisman to stop the Council from abusing their power, and she must accept who she is to even have a chance at surviving as more than a sacrifice for the coming prophesy.

Stay tuned for Blood Queen.

And as always, without you my world would be small, and only I would hear the stories in my head. Thank you for being part of the journey of my fantasies.

Until next time my voices,


Blood is on the Horizon!

A few updates, as well as a sneak peek at the upcoming title BLOOD QUEEN, book three. Haven’t read the previous books see their sneak peeks in previous posts. Blood Crescent and Blood Rebirth.

Voted 2019 Best Indie Book top 20. Blood Crescent made it to number 18, and Blood Rebirth was number 9! How exciting! Click the picture to go check out Amy’s website! Thank you Amy and to all those who voted for the Divine Series.

Blood Queen is on the horizon!

I’d like to apologize to everyone who has been waiting impatiently patiently for the next book. Previously, I had planned on it being released already. However, being a new mom has delayed things more than I had anticipated. You go into it thinking, babies sleep a lot so I should have plenty of time to get things all together. Then you have a baby and realize that it’s not one lump sum of sleep, you’re on constant duty because their sleep patterns are all over the place, and they need to feed constantly. Who knew? Every parent ever, but they don’t warn you… oh no, they don’t warn you about this, because then the human race would go extinct, and there is a sick twisted part in every person that wishes the same fate on others because they too had to go through that fate.

Fast forward a few months and mom life is actually pretty great, even with the lack of sleep, but now I’m getting a rhythm down, and can squeeze in my writing time, editing time, and of course UPDATE time to chat with you all. Want to get exclusive sneak peeks, and monthly updates from me? Please sign up for my newsletter, and all the goodies are yours.

My goodies bring all the readers to the emails, and I’m like it’s got to be good. Damn right, it’s going to be good. I can show you, but you have to join! Yes, I brought back 2004 Milkshake and I swear I will have my child dancing to this song in the future too, it’s that entertaining.

Newsletter SignUp

Now, on to the sneak peek of BLOOD QUEEN.


Eat Your Heart Out

Brandy saw a vision of my death, I know she did. It’s why she pushed me away and treated me like an insect, didn’t want me to get close to her. Didn’t want to see me die. Or didn’t want to care when it happened. We were separated now, I knew that much, but if her diviner magic was right then I would be seeing her again soon enough. Though now I debated whether I wanted to face what horrors she saw in her visions.


Sneak Peek: Blood Rebirth Chapter 1 – 3

Blood Rebirth- "This is a page turner that one can't put down"-- Cranky Book Reviews


Time Jell-O

I’m not going to lie to you, not yet, but what’s true or not is for you to decide. Half expecting to be arrested and turned into the council, never to be seen or heard from again, still lingered in the forefront of my mind. I was labeled an anomaly the guardians were sent to dispose of.

All of this led me to where I was now, needing to find my mother before the council realized the person they’d been hunting was right next to them, shaking their hand and saying, ‘Hello, teach me all of your magical ways.’

“State of what?” I looked at the blue slime Professor Divine was pushing into my skin with her glowing hands. It felt like my insides were on fire, icy fire. The goop was being excreted from her fingertips and massaged in bubbles, my skin concave as she pressed in until suddenly the blue jelly popped and burned.  (more…)

Blood Crescent Chapter Two

The countdown is descending upon us! Release of Blood Crescent is in 7 days!

Below is a link to CHAPTER TWO in PDF! I hope you’re super excited for the release on September 21st! Don’t forget to drop on by to visit the blog tour from the 17th through the 28th!

Get ready, set…. READ!

Blood Crescent-CHAPTER 2

Haven’t read chapter one yet? Go to previous post here.

Chapter One of Blood Crescent

The countdown is descending upon us! Release of Blood Crescent is in 14 days!

Below is a link to CHAPTER ONE in PDF and chapter two will be released next Friday the 14th, and then BOOM release day will be here before you know it on the 21st.

Get ready, set…. READ!

Blood Crescent-CHAPTER 1

Reader’s Favorite Review


I’m excited for the newest Editorial Review of Blood CrescentThey rated it a 4-star, and I’m very touched by the thoughtful review. You can read more reviews on the book page, and I love sharing people’s thoughts, so if you have a review, drop me a line and I’m happy to include it in a review round up post!

Reader's Favorite Review

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Don’t forget to stay posted on progress for book two!

Kingdom of Acatalec

Goodreads GIVEAWAY!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Blood Crescent by Stevie McCoy

Blood Crescent

by Stevie McCoy

Giveaway ends August 31, 2018.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

It’s that time my friends! The giveaway has started! Get excited, get pumped and click on over to join!

Blood Crescent is doing a giveaway for 20 copies of the Kindle e-book before it’s official publication in September!

Starting on August 1st and running through August 30th, you could be one of the lucky winners of this giveaway. Add the book to your “to-read” list on Goodreads

Enter for your chance to win one of 20 copies of Blood Crescent by S.M. McCoy!

A missing mother. A magical birthright. Can she uncover the secrets of her family legacy before the bloodline runs dry?

If you like hidden magical realms and fresh takes on vampire lore, then you’ll love this YA paranormal fantasy.

“The writing is descriptive and enjoyable… echoes of the Twilight series and Harry Potter, (though) the characters and scenario are wholly original…the author provides enough mystery and suspense to keep readers turning pages.” — The BookLife Prize

Sixteen-year-old Crystal Dylan thought magic only existed in storybooks. But everything changes when she finds out her long-departed mom isn’t dead: she was stolen away by the same power-hungry league now hunting her own enchanted blood. In search of answers, she must make sense of a hidden mystical realm and two mysterious protectors.

With enemies closing in, Crystal must find her mom and uncover her magical destiny before her powers fall into the clutches of evil.


Stay in contact on Twitter: @authormarie

on Facebook Authorsteviemarie

Be apart of the secret society of voices in my head to stay posted on giveaways, events, and early reviewer opportunities. Get a free sneak peek short story called the “White Diviner” by signing up here: (this link will only be available for a short time before this freebie is lost behind the vault and you’ll have to wait until the full-length novel is garnered from its carcass.)

Heart your faces!