Reading Order

You asked for a reading order, you got it! All books in the Trillume Universe are Standalone, jump in anywhere and then pick up any book next to layer onto it. Each book has its own standalone romantic fated mates plot, as well as it being intertwined with the universe as a whole. As you read the books, each book takes on a new life and immerses you into the universe more, making every subsequent book you read even more enjoyable than the last!

Spice with plot, you got it!

You can read the Freebie Newsletter Exclusive Her Alien Exchange at anytime, it’s a shorter book, but still a full-sized, complete novel at 45,000 words! You can read it in under 4 hours, possibly 2 hours if you’re a super-fast reader, meaning you can start at bedtime, finish, and still get your beauty rest for the night!

Here’s what people have been saying about Her Alien Exchange!

Bestselling Jewel of the Alien Bandit made it to #1 in Erotic Science Fiction and top 5 in Science Fiction Romance!

You can check out all the reviews and join the Trillume Universe!

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