Breaking Fate Read Along

Posted on: June 21, 2024 at 9:53 am, by S.M. McCoy

Chapter One: Bounty No sooner had I entered the Underworld was I put to work. And I found out the true cost of grabbing Hade’s crown of invisibility that fateful day of Poseidon’s fall. I remembered it as clear as it was yesterday. As soon as he told me what kind of favor he required Continue Reading →

Acatalec Sci-fi Fantasy

Posted on: January 31, 2024 at 12:30 pm, by S.M. McCoy

My Abett (FREE) Kingdom of Acatalec Magical aliens, a kidnapped best friend, and an illegal drone race to find the strongest alien to save the hidden world of Acatalec I work with aliens, my best friends is held hostage, and everyone wants to murder me before the Lord Prince can magically bond to share my Continue Reading →

New Release! Taking Medusa

Posted on: October 4, 2023 at 7:37 am, by S.M. McCoy

Okay, okay, I don’t really post on the blog of my website much, if you want to hear more from me, about progress and what’s going on with books, my life, or anything else then definitely join my newsletter! I send out an update once a week, or you can opt for monthly. That’s where Continue Reading →

Sneak Peek – Divine Series – Lathar’s POV

Posted on: August 23, 2022 at 1:00 am, by S.M. McCoy

YA- Vampire Adventure Romance
There could only be a few reasons that Lathar could think of for why a serpent would have their memories wiped so thoroughly. He stared at himself through the dingy warped glass of the public bathroom not recognizing the man standing before him. It was a blessing from the Moon Goddess he even remembered what he was so he didn’t get executed by the council for accidentally killing a human, which would have been a very real and likely scenario for his kind. How he knew that was nothing more than a blurry notion he but accepted as a known truth.

Kingdom of Acatalac Sneak Peek Excerpt

Posted on: March 11, 2022 at 8:00 am, by S.M. McCoy

Here’s a sneak peek at Kingdom of Acatalec coming 2022! Haven’t seen the Chapter One Sneak Peek: Read here first! —> Chapter One Kingdom of Acatalac Sneak Peek Chapter Two Top Floor I opened my mouth for a retort, only to have the elevator doors shut. I didn’t even know what I would have said, Continue Reading →

Kingdom of Acatalec Sneak Peek

Posted on: February 25, 2022 at 1:00 pm, by S.M. McCoy

Chapter One Drone Pilot How was it possible that all the local drones were with passengers already, or still returning from a drop off? It wasn’t. Any attempts at hailing one within the next five minutes would be near impossible, and the only reasonable explanation was… Jessi, the bane of my work life, thought it Continue Reading →

12 Months of Indie Challenge

Posted on: December 30, 2021 at 9:26 pm, by S.M. McCoy

There’s been a 12 months of books challenge going around for our upcoming 2022 reading lists, where you ask your friends to recommend 12 books to read next year. I decided to take it one step farther, and make it Indie. Support Indie, and share the Indie love next year with filling your 12 months Continue Reading →

Heart of Darkness Sneak Peek

Posted on: December 3, 2021 at 10:36 am, by S.M. McCoy

Hi My Lovelies, Here is an unproofed, still in Beta version of Chapter One for the upcoming release of Heart of Darkness, coming 2022. Sign up for the Newsletter to make sure you don’t miss when it’s released and get a free copy of Blood Crescent! A looming war between fae queens, humans, and the Continue Reading →

How Much Does A Self-Pub Author Make?

Posted on: December 2, 2021 at 7:50 am, by S.M. McCoy

Self Publishing Series – How many books do I need to sell to make a living? The MATH behind the BOOK! Hello Lovelies! There are plenty of people, both authors, and readers who love to read about DATA, the cold hard facts of the existence of the author life. Most want confirmation of the dismal Continue Reading →

Kindle Unlimited Author Income

Posted on: November 17, 2021 at 10:32 am, by S.M. McCoy

Self Publishing Series – How much does an indie author make on KU This one will be a short little blurb. Some readers want to know how they can support an indie author more, reading through KU or purchasing their book. The answer is kind of here: (I say kind of because page count is Continue Reading →